The contents of this disk and the accompanying documentation have been copyrighted but were placed in the public domain.
Getting Started
The first thing you should do (after backing up this disk!) is create a new startup disk devoted to mathematical word processing and install the Dayton Fonts on it. The file "Dayton Doc §1" explains how to do this if you are unsure. After you have done so, you can use that disk to read and print the rest of the documentation, which consists of the files in the "Dayton Doc" and "Dayton Chars" folders. The first is an instruction manual, which can be postponed if you are in a hurry. The second is a list of characters contained in the five fonts and what keystrokes will produce them. Unless you can read your computer's mind, you'd better print this out before doing any typing yourself! (Standard quality is sufficient.)
This version of the Dayton Fonts (2.0) is not compatible with the previous version. Do not use these fonts to edit documents created with the earlier Dayton fonts.
Tell us about it!
If you have comments, complaints, suggestions, etc., please feel free to mail them to the developer: